25 Feb 2025
Potential election candidates for the forthcoming Lincolnshire County Council election on May 1st are being invited to a briefing event to find out more.
The election process and how to stand as a councillor will be covered at the SKDC-hosted event on Thursday 6th March at 6pm in the Council Chamber in Grantham.
The briefing will also explain the nomination process, outline the election timetable as well as matters relating to voting, campaigning and arrangements for the count.
Deputy Returning Officer Karen Bradford, who is also SKDC Chief Executive, said: “This session is open to everyone thinking about standing as a candidate at the May 1st elections for Lincolnshire County Council in any of the divisions within South Kesteven.
“We have arranged the session for prospective candidates who may wish to put themselves forward to help decide local issues and their election agents.
“Those elected can make a real difference by representing the views of local people to ensure the community gets the right services, they can support individual residents with an issue, or help shape the community by bringing forward or deciding on new projects."
There will also be an opportunity to ask questions.
Those interested in attending the briefing in Council Chamber, SKDC, South Kesteven House, St Peter's Hill, Grantham, NG31 6PY, can register in advance by emailing the elections team at elections@southkesteven.gov.uk
For those unable to attend, the presentations made will be available afterwards on the SKDC website.
Further information can be found at www.southkesteven.gov.uk/elections2025
Patrick Astill
South Kesteven District Council
07970 279738
Key election dates: